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14 Nov 2021 · 2 min read

Intelligence v/s Wisdom

Intelligence is grasping ability of mind of knowledge and practice and it’s judicious utilisation for a purpose , whereas Wisdom is the inherent mental quality of an individual in analysing the situation or problem in best possible practical manner.

Intelligence is genetically acquired through parents which is the result of transfer and mutation of genes with special characteristics passed on to the progenies in generations. Intelligence is sharpened through enhancement of knowledge through various sources and periodical thinking abilities in individuals.

Wisdom is the observational insight which is acquired through experience, exposure, and practical application of mind in trial and error methodology in solution of problem in a given situation and finding best possible alternative/ available options .

Wisdom greatly depends on common sense which aims at finding easy solution of problems without much complications and wastage of time. Wisdom is case specific and time sensitive and conforms to differential approach for similar problems in different conditions and different period of time.

Intelligence enhances the analytical ability of an individual in fact finding and solution of the problems, and provide new ideas and innovations through flash intelligence.
Intelligence helps in making consistent efforts in exploring truth behind new ideas and innovations through reasoning abilities in evolving a new formula for solution and establishing a new theory.

Wisdom is enhanced foresight able to judge the pros and cons of actions in advance through past gained experiences and is able to structure favourable conditions for success in new ventures.

Intelligence grows and refined through passage of time and confronted favourable and unfavourable circumstances and conditions.

Wisdom is unique in its characteristic, whereas intelligence is comparative with others and varies depending on Intelligence Quotient.

Therefore existence of both of these attributes in an individual are important for his progression and development and in achieving the targetted goal .

Language: English
Tag: Article
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