Let people misinterpret you.

Let people misinterpret you.
Let people create an image they want to believe about you.
Let people say anything they want to say.
Let them be,Let them judge you.,Let them condemn you.Let them do whatever they want by just holding a small piece of you, by just hearing a portion of your story, and by just seeing you mess up.
Let them be.
Anyway, you don’t have to prove yourself. You don’t have to please them and beg for their attention. You don’t have to tell them everything and make your story known to everyone to be understood and accepted. Because even if you did, they would not, especially when their mind is fixed on what they believe about you.
When they are only waiting for your actions to support their claims. So instead of working to win people’s hearts, work on building yourself. Work on knowing yourself so deeply that people will be afraid of getting in and being buried alive. Learn from your mistakes, embrace positive changes, and be there for yourself when no one else is.
That’s how most people survived.