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23 Jan 2024 · 1 min read

I Became Forever Addicted.

When I reached home and opened the door,
My heart skipped a bit to find rose petals on the floor.
In that candlelight aura, I saw your captivating smile,
You adored me and promised to walk with me each mile.
The mouthwatering red velvet cake witnessed our rise in romantic emotion,
The candles were unaware of melting, their billowing flames dancing in inebriation.
Your eyes sparkled with the love and passion I had never felt before,
Tears formed in my eyes, realizing that our sinking ship had met its shore.
I wanted that moment to freeze and never let it go,
The curtains danced on the breeze, making happiness grow.
I never believed in my fate and the love you long predicted,
But the stars conspired to tie our destiny, and I became forever addicted.

Language: English
Books from Manisha Manjari
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