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28 Jan 2022 · 1 min read

Interesting Geography

Round ! Round! Round!
The earth is round,
The North and the south,
Two poles exist wide,
Around the earth ,
Environment is spread around.

Round! Round! Round!
Geography tells all about,
Inside the earth and above it,
The Oceans and the Continents,
About all countries and their borders,
Ecosystem is spread around.

Round !Round! Round!
Whatever we see around,
The rivers,the mountains and the forest,
All the features of Geography,
Study the Geography to find out,
Global map is helpful to search.

Round! Round ! Round!
Whatever be around,
The volcanos or the islands ,
Air and soil ,
Beautiful nature you see around,
Geography is interesting to read out.

Written by-
Buddha Prakash,
Maudaha Hamirpur.

Language: English
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