DrLakshman Jha Parimal
It is not justified to tell that we are not educated. Everybody is a master in his field. We might have got an education in different languages. We associate them generally by seeing their profiles. Some did Master’s Degree, Graduation, Vocational Courses, and Professional Courses. It is very true that education is playing an important role in our lives. But the culture of discipline, decency, and decorum are cultivated from the school of Family which is giving the real teaching of life. We could acquire academic education from schools and colleges but punctuality, sincerity, behavior, honesty, hard work, respectfulness, etc are learned from the school of Family. And these would be judged when we write any comment in the comment boxes or in timelines. We must address before writing anything i.e ……RESPECTED …..DEAR……MY DEAR etc. Write and project within the perimeter of decency and at the end REGARDS …WISHING ALL THE BEST …LOVE YOU …. you’re SINCERELY ….THANKS are to be reflected. It is rightly said , “DIDN’T LEARN ANYTHING IF WE DON’T PRACTICE IT. ” ===================
DrLakshman Jha Parimal
Sound Health Clinic
S.P.College Road