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6 Aug 2024 · 1 min read

You have to be ready for the unfavourables. You have to acce

You have to be ready for the unfavourables. You have to accept this very fact that life doesn’t go on the terms that you defined.At those uncertain periods also you have to keep your will high. You cannot blame anyone , you cannot expect anything from anyone .Because this is your battle ,you choose it right and now you have to fight against all unfavourables.Be less biased towards life. Whatever it serves just accept it and go with the flow like a river. So take a long breath and assure yourself that no matter what you are going to survive all the unfavourables.There is great strength within you it’s just that you dont know about it.Sun rises everyday just because you didnt saw it today doesn’t change the truth of it’s very existence. Same goes true with the abundant strength you have within you.💫💫💫✨✨#fighting unfavourables .

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