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12 Jun 2024 · 1 min read

“Stop being a passenger for someone.”

“Stop being a passenger for someone.”
Stop being a passenger for someone.
Stop putting much effort if they can’t give you the bare minimum.
Stop persuading yourself that maybe they’ll change and accept your love.
Stop being stupid for a one sided love.
Stop caring for old feelings and start taking care of yourself first.

Sometimes you need to accept the fact that you’re just a passenger for someone and that you’ll go through rocky roads and unfamiliar direction with them but will never be with the same person as their final destination.
Being genuine is rare nowadays, so appreciate it while they are still investing their time,effort and energy before it starts to fade because no matter how much a person cares about you, if their constant efforts aren’t appreciated properly, it would push them away slowly. So appreciate and value those efforts before you are left with a lot of regrets and grief.”

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