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5 Feb 2024 · 1 min read

20. The Future Poetry

The Future Poetry

Let a soul-searching poem
Stir my sensitive imagination
Creating profound prophetic
Lyric of serene substance
Transforming human beings
Into higher divine content
Who simply live for the nation
Caring and rearing its people
Like a temple of eternal love
Making all pervading environs
Free from lethal weapons
And devastating atom bombs.
Gandhi may not be born again
And light emitting small insects
Cannot enlighten inner concepts
Offering redemption from hatred
From our aggressive percepts,.
A pale of dense darkness
May soon descend again
After a short -lived illumination
Endangering universe and creation.
Why not poesy in scintillating rays
Of the blooming shining star
Stalk horizons of our hearts
Spreading light far and wide
And putting soothing palms
On our sleepy eyes
To make us astound
As Lord Krishna astounded Yashoda
Revealing to her his profound divine
or expounded numberless incarnations
To Arjuna before the battle of Mahabharata;
Let us awake and arise upright
And obliterate from the face of Earth
All the dark and the fiendish forces
To usher in an unending epoch of peace
Let Kaliyuga be not allowed to win any forts
Let there be poem of such a substance
Winning the hearts of humanity
For which Arvind the great seer
Made a prophesy
And given it a name of future poesy.

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