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5 Feb 2024 · 1 min read

18. Before You Sleep

Before you sleep

May be
The age is on the wrong side
May be
Time is also not now right
Age be not blessing in disguise
But the determined will surmise
You can raise your head upright
The life lived is clear
You loved the world
World holds you dear
Life was not a bed of roses
Tried answer to questions it poses
And tried to pluck the thorns
Dug deep into the body of time
Might have lived in dark taverns
Tried to bring shine
To the rust and dust
Clinging to caravan’s clime
The basket full of experience
Still can bring smile
To half-bread, half fed
Half clad and half read
The trembling hands can
Hold a torch for solace
To pain and sufferings
Of diseases or discords
Bullying or exploit
For misery of records
Take up the strings
You could not ring
Resume beats of song
You could not sing
The goal is at hand
To meet the Lord
Shower all the love
On high and deep
Bow in thanks
Before you sleep.

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