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5 Feb 2024 · 2 min read

11. O My India

O My India

When I am miles away
O My India,
I start missing you so soon
As the night misses the moon
My longings become strong
Like birds’ thirst at noon
You are present in my every breath
As holy water in the Ganges
Descending from lofty mountainous Ranges
You are present in my
Stream of consciousness
An inseparable part of the Eternal Being
You are present like oxygen
In every Cell
Which can tell
You and I are one
As body and the soul
As ways and the goal
As Flower and the fragrance
As shining rays in the sun
Like vapours and the clouds
Like masses and the crowds
Like mother and the babes
Like Ocean and the waves

O my darling India
When your name comes on lips
My entire existence dips in divinity
And like God’s name
You start symbolizing Infinity
As Nature do not compartmentalize
Compassion and fraternity
are in your very DNA
Though for this you paid a heavy price
You stand like a rock as towering Himalayas
A crowning glory endeared to the Shivalayas
You are an abode of sizzling serenity
An ocean where all the rivers
Flow and submerge their identity
O my dear India,
You are God’s favourite home
You have a real cosmic bond
Whenever God wants to roam
Choses India as his domain
Wanders in the woods as Cowherd
Delivers his profound Geeta discourse
Reveals Vishwarupa, the real Source
In the world’s widest warfield of Mahabharata to Arjuna
Made India proud and endowed you with
Every country making you a destination for Solace

A hanging lovely locket
In the incensed garland of comity of nations
Humming melodious songs,
Of Joy, Love and Compassion.
Your Luminous radiance
Reverberates in every nation.
O my India, My darling India
O my India.. My darling India.

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