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13 Nov 2021 · 2 min read

Adventure v/s Risk

Adventure is the expression of extraordinary physical abilities against the odds of nature with determination to succeed in the difficult situations . It is an internal urge not to surrender to the complexities of nature ; and stand alone against it .
Adventure gives a sense of elation to an individual ; but the flip side of it is a dangerous game altogether without proper training , practice ,and harness against the risk involved ; which may become fatal in extreme negative situations /human error /unexpected & unforeseen situation without any control over it .
Therefore before venturing into adventure all these factors have to be examined on case to case basis and individual to individual basis depending upon physical abilities and perfection achieved through rigorous training , without this undertaking adventure is taking risk blindfolded which may result in unexpected serious tragedies ; which remain unaverted in time.
Nowadays various agencies are marketing adventure destinations and catagorising it under the umbrella of Adventure Sports , which do not have proper training facilities for individuals taking part in adventurous activities and do not have trained staff and proper harnessing equipments for minimizing risks involved .
Moreover media advertisements and promotion of such activities through various programs also motivate the youth to undertake adventurous activities undermining the risk involved.
It is promoted with lots of glitz and glamour which is only concerned with marketing of certain product /celebrity and not seriously concerned with the promotion of adventure as a sport activity .
Any individual undertaking such activity should examine self of physical abilities i.e. endurance & strength , proper training needs , quantum of risk involved and arrangements of proper harnessing equipments to minimize the risk and negate the chances of failure of the mission . Then only such an adventure may give pleasure and sense of elation to him , otherwise end up in serious tragedy to be repented by him for rest of his whole life .

Language: English
Tag: Article
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