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10 Sep 2022 · 1 min read

Partnership Deed

Once there are two friends. Both of them thought of starting a business. One had money, the other had managerial skills. Together they started a clothing business. At the end of the year, both of them got a good profit in the business, but both of them got into a dispute over sharing of profit,
whereas at the beginning of the business there was no agreement on sharing of profit. The business started only on mutual trust. But that trust seemed to be broken now. Both were good friends, but the profits of the business rusted both of their intellects and today the old friendship was on the verge of breaking. Some people also took the initiative to resolve their dispute, but to no avail. In the end, what had been feared happened, along with years old friendship, the business started with great hope also fell apart.
Moral of the Story:- No matter how deep the friendship may be, the partnership agreement
should be in writing.

Language: English
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