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2 May 2024 · 1 min read

Pain of separation

Too difficult to overcome as my mind agitated

In the maze of emotions, it keeps getting trapped

Day by day it is getting complicated

Having complicated questions,

how it can be solved

Only you know about my heart

My innocent mind doesn’t understand it

My dreams could come true I wish

Let my tears bear in your eyes

The state of restlessness is like this

With agony, my night spends

Does anyone suggest I end the pain

Is there some such medicine?

It is beyond my expectations as the situation is getting worse

Duly filled with pain in the heart which is acute

Why did the situation happen, unable to understand

Can you remind me about the number of days passed since I talked

I never thought that would happen

Perhaps that was fixed to going on

We had to cry secretly to bear the pain of separation

Whatever it is, now come forward

Let you decorate your heart with sweet memories

At this juncture forget its bitterness.

Language: English

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