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17 May 2023 · 2 min read

FORGIVE US (Lamentations of an ardent lover of nature over the pitiable plight of “Saranda” Forest.)

“Saranda”, My love,
My green-lush green,
serene “Saranda” !
what has befallen you ?
Have you stopped
looking at your ever faithful mirror-
the sky, the eternal companion of your ?
The distant horizon is no more
a pleasing sight
Don’t you know
the way your serene beauty,
brutally assaulted
with determined vengeance,
lies cradled in the lap of mother nature
in pitiable plight ?
Alas ! I weep, my love,
in frustration, in penance,
whenever you embrace me
with profound love,
like it used to be ;
my soul bleeds,
suffers miserably
with pangs of conscience.
Day in and day out
I desire you;
your lush green velvety comfort
allures me in my dreams ;
I need you, my love.

But look !
what have they done to you ?
Molested, vitiated, gangrened –
Your divine beauty
and done it fast,
with meticulous care
and sadistic lust.

But you,
my poor “Saranda”
continued loving
while those vultures,
mercilessly molesting you
and creating ugly ulcers
on your soft silky breast –
cancerous or rather
(forgive me-my love)
Leprous dirty wounds
and never leaving you
with peace and rest.
How could you,
my beloved “Saranda” ?
How could you let them
invade you, molest you
and happily bask in the
glory of accomplishment ?
who those hoodlums, the sadists
of industrial chaos,
didn’t get thunderstruck
or just collapsed
by the wrath of yours ?
Or is it,
you continued loving them
all along,
with affectionate smile
all the way,
suffering and suffering,
in silent tolerance
of sacrificial low ?

O, “Saranda”
forgive us,
we are the sinners ;
we, the so-called dozens of progress,
we are the ones,
guilty of ravaging you,
your ever alluring serene beauty ;
molesting you,
torturing you relentlessly,
in sadistic pleasure of ecstasy –
for marching ahead
in the path of glory,
Forgive us, my love –
if you could ;
my poor beloved “Saranda”.

Language: English
Tag: Poem
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