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23 Apr 2024 · 1 min read

डॉ अरूण कुमार शास्त्री एक अबोध बालक 😂😂😂

डॉ अरूण कुमार शास्त्री एक अबोध बालक 😂😂😂

Topic Wait never ends
Title O My dear lord
Genre open
Language English
Writer Dr Arun Kumar shastri

I agree it is worthless to wait for the person who left intentionally.

I agree it is also meaningless to wait for the person who does not love 💕 you.

I agree it is also good for nothing to watch and wait for the same for whom you are a stupid because you are impractical in this world.

I do agree to disagree that those who does not love you would leave you alone anytime without a blink in the eye

But what could you do to your heart ❤️ as it has many unforgettable moments shared with you.

The nature of humans is non flexible as it bends over to one side, and that’s you .

Should we meet again I feel it is not on me but you .

But still I feel so deep within me each moment that my thoughts be given a chance to be.

I agree it is worthless to wait for the person who left intentionally.

Language: English
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