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2 Oct 2023 · 1 min read

“with eyes filled with dreams”

with eyes filled with dreams
crossing the seven seas
roaming around in the evening
Come back home.
I roam around the sky a lot
we too would become birds
magic of dreams
Filled with a hundred colours.
When you lift your head from the earth
look at blue amber
amazing view of memories
Keep this difference in mind.
sometimes sit and think leisurely
What is the extent of space?
Close your eyes and concentrate on the void.
As big as a royal palace.
measuring the sky
would never have sat
arms filled with enthusiasm
A hundred planes would fly.
creating new dreams
there are innumerable completions
flying fearlessly in the open sky
If only! We too would have wings.

Rakesh Chaurasia

Language: English
Tag: Poem
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