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27 May 2024 · 1 min read

*What is Life…*

What is life-
With all its wonders
Tempts to live
To bear the burdens
With a smile on lips.

Makes us strong
Avoids all the wrongs
To make life safe
For all men’s sake.

To quench the thirst
To appreciate the just
To be distinct from the rest
As birds in the nest.

Must do the right
For the future so bright

To make it sure
To cure beyond cure
As this is the way
No reasons to say
Why should we bow
For we don’t know

What will happen next
With life full of zest
Move towards the goal
With the heart as a whole

For this we need
In this world to get the lead
A strong heart to bear
With no reasons to be there
Where all have to do
Without knowing who’s who
With patience to observe
And keep going and serve.

Language: English
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