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23 Jan 2024 · 1 min read

The Saga Of That Unforgettable Pain.

The waves are dying at the shore,
I want to hold your hands, this time tightly more.
Hard to see, but the wind is resting on the rock,
Like your footsteps echoing with mine at every single walk.
A fire is continuously residing silently in that tall tree,
The toxins of your longing are invisibly running in my veins, don’t you agree?
The cloudless sky desperately wants to touch the soil through heavy rains,
Your faint fragrance is the only treasure that my soul now contains.
That rare blue orchid is blooming in the white snow,
And an epic love letter burned to ashes before anyone did ever know.
I thought that the tears were dried, but they well up once again,
The windchime is fluttering, and the emptiness is singing the saga of that unforgettable pain.

Language: English
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