Do you know what a bee is?
It is not a fly but it flies
It loves everyone, it wants to kiss
It kisses every time, but sometimes it has a miss
Now, I tell you, what happened one day
I was just roaming around to find my way
A bee came to me , it sat on me
I tried to repel it, but it took me its enemy
I gestured my thoughts, it did not get
I asked to go, while it called its mate
I ran and ran putting off my shirt
They chased my speed by making all out effort
I ran into the watchman hut
They followed me without if and but
Five of them loved me with their sting
Suddenly, head of mine started to swing
I barred myself, I put curtain
Their love was paining, it was certain
I was rushed to the Hospital by two good hearts
The doctor injected needles from her carts
I took rest, I felt relieved
I came back safe, as I had believed
Now, I ask bees not to love any child
They already struggle that is too mild
O’ bees , leave the campus, I make an urge
Children and I will thank you for not to buzz
(A poem based on true event)