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29 May 2024 · 2 min read

A Letter to My Future Child

Dear Kiddo, soon you’ll join our days,
With joy and nerves, we embrace new ways.
As your grandmother brought me with grace,
We’ll welcome you to this sacred place.

When you arrive, you’ll see the cheer,
Faces smiling, family near.
For a while, no new clothes to wear,
Protecting you from the evil stare.

Our cynosure, a superstar bright,
In our hearts, you’ll be the light.
From hospital to home so sweet,
Your loving family you will meet.

Your father’s arms, a shield so strong,
Protecting you as life moves along.
At first, you’ll sleep and sometimes cry,
A tiny wonder, catching every eye.

By two, you’ll crawl and start to walk,
Soon enough, you’ll learn to talk.
Mischiefs will be your little spree,
In play school, you’ll begin to see.

A taste of discipline, small meals and play,
Stepping outside your comfort each day.
Loved and guided by teachers kind,
In their care, joy you’ll find.

Onto school, we’ll guide your way,
Uniforms, homework, and time to play.
The rat race starts, admissions near,
But we’ll ensure you persevere.

New classes, friends, a different scene,
With age, you’ll know what these mean.
Pressure to study, coursework too,
Believe in hard work, see it through.

Your company, choose wise and well,
Five friends’ influence, as stories tell.
Avoid wrong paths, addictions’ lure,
Stay strong, keep your conscience pure.

Pitfalls may come, here and there,
Hide them not, let truth be shared.
Attractions, love, both far and near,
Let not these impede your cheer.

Honesty between us, always a must,
Choose your field, and in it trust.
Whether science, commerce, or humanities’ lore,
Excel and be passionate, strive for more.

Pressure will come, internal, external,
Remember, you can’t please the eternal.
Mistakes are fine, but learn and grow,
True friends and family will always show.

Sadness, confusion, failures too,
With hard work and honesty, you’ll get through.
Believe in God, and yourself always,
Light will guide you through dark days.

Parents here to guide with love so pure,
Best facilities, the best we assure.
You may not grasp it at first sight,
But one day, you’ll see the light.

Welcome, dear child, with open arms,
Warm hearts await, free from harms.
A quote to cherish as you start:
“What you become is your gift to God, from the heart.”

Language: English
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