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27 May 2024 · 1 min read

Essence of Happiness

In the dawn’s embrace, where light of dawn meets sky,
A whisper of joy starts up to rise.
The world awakens, a tender sigh,
In happiness, our spirits lie.
Sometimes hidden in the sun’s golden glow,
Or in the fields where wildflowers freely grow,
Laughter dances with the breeze,
Creating a symphony of rustling trees.
Memories that sparkle or the hearts that sing,
In simple pleasures, life does bring.
A child’s giggle, a lover’s gaze,
Priceless moments, time does daze.
Amidst the chaos, in the throng,
A state of mind where we all belong.
A gentle smile, a kindly deed,
A touch of love, an act of selflessness without any greed.
In friendship’s arms, we find our place,
A home away from home which we embrace.
Shared stories, dreams, and silent cheers,
The joy and the magic that transcends the years.
So, cherish it today, let your anxieties fail and fade,
Live every moment where the joy is made.
For happiness, a fleeting guest,
Lives within our big heart and uplifted chest.
Embrace the light, the love and every part of your day,
Let positivity guide your way.
In every breath, and every glance,
Find the magic and learn to rejoice and dance.

Language: English
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