Mountain Call

Away ! away ! away !
Far away from my home,
Someone is there,
Too high and too pretty,
Covered with white snow,
Smooth and shining,
With transparent sunrays.
Don’t you know who it is,
Or about whom I’m speaking?
Of course ; you know.
Yes ; It’s a mountain peak,
So high, so pretty, so shining.
While staying at home,
Often I hear the wind saying,
Come, let’s go together.
Away ! away ! away !
Far away from your home,
Where the birds are chirping,
And forests are dense green,
A mountain peak is calling,
And waiting for you,
“Come and conquer me”….!!!
Written by :- – Kanchan Khanna.
Moradabad, (U.P. India).
(Copy ~ Write ~ Wrier).
Dated :- 21/01/2025.