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1 Dec 2023 · 1 min read

Pain is the Pleasure♥️💫

Pain is the Pleasure♥️💫
World have pain’s Fear
I want to say
Pain is the pleasure
It is the
Power’s Treasure💫
O my dear
You should no fear
You have to cheer
Pain is the pleasure
Believe yourself and say
I am not the defeture
My pain is the Pleasure
I learn with my pain
And boost my gear
That’s why
Pain is the pleasure💫
To survive
I have enough composure
I am feeling
Pain is the Pleasure 👌
This is the Effort’s Expenditure
Not an easy task
like tedy bear
But ultimately…
Pain is the Pleasure…

Everybody Feel fiasco’s Fear
Give up is not the option
O my dear…
You will destroy every Barrier
But trust me
Pain is the Pleasure♥️💫

I am feel ing Pain
But nothing is
🔥All in vain🔥

I love myself with care
This attitude is Rare
One day
I will become exposure
I believe that
Pain is the pleasure❣️
Pain is the pleasure❣️
Do love the pain
And you will too ,much gain

Dear unique😊
If you are in Pain. never lose hope. Because pain is essential for our life.
Always Remember No Pain no gain…
Believe yourself💎
Every cloud has a silver lining…
If you feel better then

( दर्द से न घबराए, आज आप जिस त्याग और तपस्या का दर्द झेल रहे है, वही भविष्य की दवा भी बनेगी…
मुस्कुराते रहिये😊
और सीखते रहिये …

Language: English
Tag: Poem
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