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17 Dec 2021 · 1 min read

A pandemic ‘Corona’

Came a dangerous vampire,
blood sucking curse,
became an pandemic,
corona spread terror;

The virus showed a lethal form,
came from China, spread in the world,
grief was seem all over the world,
human were tied up in the lockdown ;

There was a famine in the medicine and hospital,
mankind had been becoming annihilate ,
millions of people died,
somewhere the pyre were lit ;

Many house were ruined,
many became orphans,
started craving for food,
started going through sad situations ;

To avoid corona,
lived far away from each other,
maintained the social distances,
everyone stood together in the pandemic;

Mask became special ,
sanitizer was also used,
oxygen cylinder needed for life,
invented the vaccine;

With patience and God’s prayer,
with science and mind,
with human contribution,
human got victory over Covid-19

Written by-
✍🏼 Buddha Prakash,
Maudaha ,Hamirpur .

Language: English
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