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23 Jan 2024 · 1 min read

Patience and determination, like a rock.

The crushed souls don’t crave the physical but the emotional touch,
They want to know how much stability in their life means so much.
Being lonely and self-dependent for a long time,
Conquering a place in their hearts is the highest mountain to climb.
The solo walks and solo trips gifted them the strongest of wings,
They are the warriors of autumns, who never notice the springs.
Dreams are nightmares to them, so they deny to sleep,
Caress them lovingly, and the agony makes them weep.
The night soothes such souls, and the sun stings in their eyes,
Don’t try to make them a fool; they can read your every lie.
The companions they want are the ones who understand the silence,
Just sit by their side and listen; they don’t need any guidance.
Patience and determination, like a rock, are the keys to their hearts’ locks,
Once inside, only then will you know the immense love they stock.

Language: English
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