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23 Jan 2024 · 1 min read

Just Like A Lonely Star.

Just like a lonely star, I am staying here, visible but far,
Smiling like an idiot, and proud of my every scar.
While everything is changing around, my heart stays constant and calm,
Filled with numerous memories, working like a soothing balm.
So many eyes are stuck on me, wanting to see me break away,
Being strong has become my habit, so I can’t accept that wish today.
The path of the moon is on another horizon, so darkness remains,
The core of my pain radiates strength, showering its light like the sun’s flames.
Tears are easy to form, but releasing them is not my usual norm,
Sometimes they forget to inform and hit the sea like a storm.
Lost in this vast universe, I still long for my distant home,
But you turned to ashes and left me here condemned to endlessly roam.
One day, I too will break away, kiss the earth, and bid goodbye,
That day, I know you will come, take my hand, and together, we’ll ascend the sky

Language: English
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