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3 Jan 2023 · 1 min read

It’s not that I forget you

It’s not that I forget you
I often forget to keep the tea water on the stove!
it’s not that i forget you
I often forget my name too!
It’s not that I forget you
I often forget to say hello on the phone!
It’s not that I forget you
Whenever I go out on the streets,
I often forget my way home.
It’s not that I forget you
If I worship God,
I often forget to pray!
It’s not that I forget you
I often forget to apply kajal in my eyes!
It’s not that I forget you
I often forget to comb my hair
It’s not that I forget you
whenever I leave the house,
I forget to turn the way!!
फ़ज़ा साज़

Language: English
Tag: Best Poem, Poem
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