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1 Jan 2025 · 1 min read

If I had to describe this year in one word, it would be surv

If I had to describe this year in one word, it would be survive.

Honestly, it felt like one challenge after another, like the world was testing just how much I could handle. I found myself breaking in ways I never thought I would—letting go of plans I held onto so tightly, wrestling with doubts I couldn’t silence, and carrying responsibilities that felt way heavier than they should’ve been. There were nights when it felt like my own thoughts might swallow me whole.

And somehow, I’m still here. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that survival doesn’t always mean having everything figured out. Sometimes, it’s simply finding the courage to wake up and try again, even when it feels like nothing is changing.

Maybe that’s what matters most—the quiet strength to keep going when life doesn’t make it easy. If nothing else, I know now that I’m tougher than I thought, and that feels like something worth holding onto.


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