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8 Jun 2024 · 1 min read

As I grow up I realized that life will test you so many time

As I grow up I realized that life will test you so many times until the day that being strong is your only choice, I’ve experienced countless breakdowns, feeling lost while asking myself what is my purpose, I found myself settling for less and judge by a lot of people, I’ve been used and forgotten but I don’t regret any of those moments because I’ve learned a lot.
I’ve learned who I can trust, I’ve learned if people are lying or sincere, I’ve learned that time is important and you must not waste it complaining why you live like this or like that.
I’ve learned how to be tough and to guard my heart when it’s necessary. I’ve learned that history sometimes never repeats itself and sometimes you have to let go and move towards the blessings you deserve. I’ve been buried in the dark a few times and I learned to love myself in there. Being in the dark doesn’t mean you’ve been defeated because hope begins in the dark, the bigger the hope in your heart the wider the light that will mold you to be the better version of yourself.

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