5. Tears in God’s Eyes
Tears in God’s Eyes
It was not
When mosques and temples
Were razed to the ground
It was not
When misdeeds reigned
During preachings profound
It was not
When hunger stalked
The grain-filled godowns
God enjoyed unconcerned
In his high heavens
Taking these as man’s foibles
Or faith’s cynicism
Like naughty boys
Throwing Stones
At window panes
When flames licked life
Out of unsuspecting sleepers
Sharp-tongued edges piecered
Limbs of lambs and creepers
Red hounds chased roots
Deep into the wide wide seas
Inferno engulfed rocks
And the age -old trees
Even the air was scared
No one was spared
The birds in their nests
Infants clings ro breasts
God could not hold his cries
Tears rolled down His eyes.