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30 Sep 2022 · 1 min read

You are the sanctuary of my soul.

Somewhere in the fields of my dream,
We lie upon the velvet green meadow and beam.
My smile reflects through your eyes,
As the butterfly touches the daffodils and flies.
You hug me tenderly like I am a clumsy glass,
The rain wraps us splendidly and pours on the thirsty grass.
Promises of tomorrow and dandelions stretch as far as the eyes can see,
“We are not going to be apart,” you rapidly say in a low key.
The river giggles in the tune of our love song,
And says that you are the only home where I belong!
Sometimes I think that you are the escape of my mind,
But I realize that you are the sanctuary of my soul, with whom my destiny is assigned

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