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17 Apr 2024 · 1 min read

We will walk the path , English translation of my poem

We will walk the path of creation*

win or lose
Will always carry the chariot.
shore up the destruction
We will walk the path of creation.

sowing seeds in the ground
Will walk drenched in labor particles
shape different from water
The churning of honey will continue.
End the destruction.
We will walk the path of creation.

Oh my dear, let there be a stream of Varuni.
will always sail smoothly in the fast current
ropes for wobbly boats
We will always move ahead of other parties.
shore up the destruction
We will walk the path of creation.
win or lose
Will always carry the chariot.
shore up the destruction
We will walk the path of creation.

**© Mohan Pandey ‘Bhramar’

Language: English
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