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29 May 2024 · 2 min read

The Stage of Life

Life is a stage as they all agree and say.
Every day seems to be a new performance,
With different yet challenging roles to play.
Juggling role that are big or even small
Sometimes playing safe or often risking it all

Some days we’re heroes, bold and grand,
Other days, just like clowns with pies in hand.
Balancing between me and we
Following the vision which only we can see

Act One: The Morning Hustle’s Here,
Stumbling out of bed, a bit unclear.
Endless assignments and mismatched socks,
Following the deadlines, trying to catch the ticking clocks.

Act Two: The Workday’s Crazy Scene,
Emails, meetings, a caffeine sheen.
Boss’s jokes that fall quite flat,
Nodding along, just like that!

Act Three: Trying out parenting which is another chaotic affair,
Being with your lil one, makes you feel that love is in the air.
Homework battles, dropping to school and bedtime tales,
All this imparts you strength, when everything fails.

Intermission: We catch our breath,
Laugh at the craziness, beating the stress.
Snacks in hand, we take a seat,
Ready for more, with heart’s thumping beat.

Act Four: The Weekend’s Here at Last,
Party hats and chores amassed.
Laundry piles and grocery runs,
Balancing chaos with some fun.

Finale: We take a bow,
Survived a hectic week, somehow, somehow.
Curtains close with some pain and some gain,
Again on the bloody monday, this play starts again!

Life’s a stage, with laughs and tears,
Unexpected twists and fears.
So embrace the madness, join the fun,
For in this play, we’re all as one!

Language: English
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