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17 May 2024 · 1 min read

*The Bus Stop*

Eyes wide open, ears too, hearing sounds
Still buses seem far, far away.
Fellow men-women kept boarding and leaving,
Many more joining in.

But to me, nothing appears to change.
Eager eyes kept lingering for You.
A moment on ‘open mouth of the watch’
Another searching far and wide.

Each passing second my beat jumped,
Heart ached and desired only to see ‘you’
Throat getting thirsty in chilly winters
Where are You? What’s retaining you?

How long should I wait?
Should I stay or leave?
Juggling in a web of question marks!
Heart telling to wait, mind to leave
‘Board the next bus and leave’
Echoes the mind.

A month elapsed since seen you last.
The same bus-stop witnessed us
Hand in hand, eyes twinkling
Though worried about the curious gazes.

Back in present, seconds turning in minutes
And minutes into hour.
Little drops of love oozed out on forehead.
Don’t call me fool for not trying ‘sms or watsapp’
Oh dear! Mobiles weren’t even born.

Life stood still yet the time racing ahead.
Love replaced by anxiety, and
Anxiety unfolded its cruel hands in anger.
Eyes seem clouded with yet not formed tears.
The bus in front bore the grunt.

Something inside broke
Yes, the day became history
And, the same Bus stop became ‘witness’
A broken promise and terminated ‘Love’.

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