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1 Jul 2024 · 2 min read

Success Story -3

INNOVATIVE INVENTIONS • IN THE REALM where ideas inter-twine, giving birth to a new entity, the synchrony of minds often heralds extraordinary ventures. This phenomenon found its embodiment on April 4, 1975, when Bill Gates and Paul Allen embarked on a shared dream, birthing the multinational behemoth “Microsoft.” The fusion of their visions spawned an entity that would redefine the landscape of technology. The trio of Imagination, Creation, and Innovation became the guiding lights of Microsoft’s journey. Their appointment of Steve Balmer as CEO in 2000 marked another chapter in the company’s evolu-tion, a testament to their commitment to positivity and progress. Yet, it was the pivotal moment in 1980 when Microsoft sealed a deal with IBM, supplying the indispensable DOS operating system for the IBM PC, that propelled them into the lime-light. This adaptability, the ability to anticipate and meet market demands, became the hallmark of Microsoft’s strategy. From the moniker “Microsoft,” a fusion of “microprocessors” and “software,” to their swift ascent to $1 million in sales by 1978, the company’s trajectory was marked by mile-stones. Relocating to Washington State in 1979, they laid the groundwork for the MS-DOS system, a precursor to their future dominance. However, with great success came great scrutiny. Legal battles with the US government and the European Commission, resulting in hefty fines, underscored the company’s journey. Yet, undeterred, they pressed forward, undulating through challenges with a resolve that defined their spirit. In 1997, Bill Gates earned the title of the world’s youngest billionaire, a testament to the magnitude of Microsoft’s impact. Their story is one of perseverance, of navigating through complexities with a clarity of purpose. Indeed, the journey of Microsoft is a testament to the adage that familiarity breeds ease, often requiring the art of simplifi-cation. As they celebrate 49 years since their inception, their enduring success mirrors a mindset finely attuned to the evolving needs of the global computer industry. My admiration extends not only to Bill Gates but to the entire team who contributed to this remarkable journey. Their collective efforts have not only shaped an industry but have left an indelible mark on the fabric of human progress. परिचय
पीयूष गोयल दर्पण छवि के लेखक,पीयूष गोयल 1७ पुस्तकें दर्पण छवि में लिख चुके हैं,सबसे पहली पुस्तक( ग्रन्थ) “श्री भगवद्गीता”के सभी 18 अध्याय 700 श्लोक हिंदी व् इंग्लिश दोनों भाषाओं में लिखा हैं इसके अलावा पीयूष ने हरिवंश राय बच्चन जी द्वारा लिखित पुस्तक “मधुशाला”को सुई से लिखा हैं ,और ये दुनिया की पहली पुस्तक हैं जो सुई से व् दर्पण छवि में लिखी गई हैं इसके बाद रबीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर जी की पुस्तक “गीतांजलि”( जिसके लिए रबीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर जी को सन 1913 में साहित्य का नोबेल पुरस्कार मिला था) को मेहंदी कोन से लिखा हैं. पीयूष ने विष्णु शर्मा जी की पुस्तक “पंचतंत्र”को कार्बन पेपर से लिखा .अटल जी की पुस्तक “मेरी इक्यावन कवितायेँ”को मैजिक शीट पर लकड़ी के पैन से लिखा और अपनी लिखित पुस्तक “पीयूष वाणी” को फैब्रिक कोन लाइनर से लिखा हैं सं 2003 से 2022 तक 17 पुस्तके लिख चुके हैं.

Language: English
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