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25 May 2024 · 1 min read

Sometimes people think they fell in love with you because t

Sometimes people think they fell in love with you because they are infatuated by you, sometimes they fall because they’re impressed by something you have achieved or a quality you have. Sometimes people think they fell in love with you because you are special or different. These are the wrong reasons to fall in love with someone, because eventually all that superficial shine that attracted them to you shall fade, and sooner or later they will have to live with the normalities of the everyday life. Sooner or later they’ve to live with your downfalls and flaws. Sooner or later they will have to understand that it’s your normalities that makes you special. It’s when they fail to understand what it is about you that attracts them. They just love you as a whole, the way you are, no specific reason. And this is what makes a relationship continues. It’s when the infatuation dies and the sense of familiarity and intimacy is born. That is the type of love we should look for and crave

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