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27 May 2024 · 1 min read

*Rising Waves*

The rising waves of the sea
Lure my bruised spirit
To get immersed
And wash out all malice
That the earthly concerns had filled in.

The rising waves of the sea
Enchant me my inner self
To get the healing touch
The balm to the battered soul
To move on again in life.

The rising waves of the sea
Mesmerize me with dancing bubbles
To gyrate to its rhythm
To pep up and rise upfront
To face the world.

The rising waves of the sea
Implore me to forget the past
The pains and sufferings
And stay unruffled to smile .

The rising waves of the sea
Manifests in me
To rise above self
Embrace the love and support
That world gives me
And stay happy.

The rising waves of the sea
Beseech me to let go the rough waters
And swim through the calm surface
Enjoying diving in
To find the treasured gems.

The rising waves of the sea
Entreat me to blow away the wrath
I had for my wrong doers
And forget the vengeance
To soak in the Serenity of life.

The rising waves of the sea
Urge me to forget all worries
Be thankful to the lovely people around
Count the blessings
And live life in true spirit.

Language: English
Books from Veneeta Narula
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