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20 Sep 2024 · 1 min read

Part of plant

1. Which part of the plant absorbs water and minerals from the soil?
Ans. Root
2. Which part of the plant attracts insects?
Ans. Flower
3. Which part of the plant protects the seeds?
4. Which part anchors the plant to the ground?
Ans. Root
5. Which part holds the plant upright?
Ans. Stem
6. Which part uses sunlight to make food?
Ans. Leaves
7. Which part takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen?
Ans. Leaves
8. Which part makes pollen, which is needed to make seeds?
Ans. Flower
9. Which part is considered the reproductive part of the plant?
Ans. Flower
10. Which part supports the leaves, the flowers and the fruits?
Ans. Stem


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