O brave soldiers.
O brave soldiers of my country…
I salute you…!!
You always do duty on the outskirts…
You are full of morale vertue…!!
You serve the country by keeping,
your life on your palm…
you always live in danger…
O brave soldiers of my country…
I respect you…!!
you hug death,
you sacrifice your life,
for the country…!!
you are the true keeper,
of the country…!!
you live and die,
for the country…!!
O brave soldiers of my country…
You are such a real Hero…!!
you never cheat with the country…
you always protect the country from enemy…!!
you become a martyr for the country…
And getting nothing in return…!!
O brave soldiers of my country…
I discuss you…!!
I don’t have words to express you…
i can’t compare anyone to you…!!
you are unique and speechless…
Such your deeds are priceless…!!
O brave soldiers of my country…
all of we encourage you…!!
We all countrymen are grateful,
to you from the heart…
We all do you a lot of respect…!!
We are praying God for you…
always serve the country
by laughing You…!!
O brave soldiers of my country…
all of we are with you…!!
Taj Mohammad