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24 Jan 2023 · 2 min read


Some unresolved questions in life remain a mystery.
Exploration and brainstorming do not clear the difference between the ground and the virtual platform of reality.
Inference stays away from any clear basic reality, and does not allow to reach any conclusion. Man’s subjective knowledge and intelligence power seem to have failed.
In the absence of concrete evidence and logic, it seems impossible to find answers to the questions.
Some questions are such that they do not even have any scientific basis, and create confusion.
Questions of the type with reference to caused by paranormal activity,
remain as an unsolvable puzzle.
There are different categories of mystery,
First, the secrets that are revealed to the pseudo-artificial foundation as the true foundation,
So that reality remains invisible.
Like: Magic and sleight of hand, Indrajal etc.
Second, those secrets that are executed under a well-thought-out plan, so that the truth can be hidden and suppressed.
This type of mystery includes those elements, which can present the incident as truth and the reality can remain secret.
Premeditated conspiracy and planned crimes come under this category.
Third, they are supernatural events that are beyond human understanding. Which would have seemed impossible to find any scientific physical rational basis. This is a very deep question. To some people such visions are fanciful notions, who have not seen these events as eyewitnesses. But its other side is the eyewitness of such incidents, for whom such incidents have remained a mystery.
Therefore, the mystery is a riddle, the answer of which when the mental faculties are unable to find it, remains as an Unsolved (Yaksha) question.

Language: English
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