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16 Jan 2024 · 1 min read

If you want to be in my life, I have to give you two news…

If you want to be in my life, I have to give you two news…
A good and a bad.
The good thing is, I’m gonna treat you like a queen and I’m gonna give you the best of me, with nothing back.
The bad thing is that if I don’t receive the same, I’m going to let you go.
And it’s that I don’t think love is giving without expecting receiving anything.
Loving without expecting anything in return is beautiful in fairytales.
But in real life, mature love requires a delicate balance between giving and receiving.
Because everything that is not mutual, turns out to be toxic.
My love seems too expensive to me, to have by my side, someone who doesn’t love me the same. 🫂

I apply this my all kind of relationship every prespective


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