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22 Aug 2021 · 2 min read


Dr. Lakshman Jha ” Parimal ”
We become litterateurs! Poems are manifested by our pens! We are considered to be the pivot of languages! The arrows of reviews give literature a new garment! Sometimes they charm people with the unique hue of acting! People spread their eyelids by looking at our various postures! They constantly observe our arts! Our respect, our works, our poetry lessons, and many genres are read, seen, and heard with great care! Let’s observe our book releases, meetings, things, functions, and interviews with great dedication! Whenever we make a live presentation on the pages of Facebook for new things, our friends of Facebook adorn our presentation! Their presence makes our hearts go berserk! We talk about our old wedding pictures, wedding anniversaries, birthdays, birthdays of our son, their marriage, the birth of their son too, travel, house warming, foreign tours, etc. And we wish to observe each of our disciplines with great visions, read them diligently and adorn them with our positive criticisms and comments! We will read it, but look at our inaction! We forget to thank everyone! When all the people praised and respected us with their reactions, and we turned out to be strange creatures! “Finally, we “THANK ALL” and left!” How many names should be counted in the pages of history? Most of the people who become the heritage of the individual, society, state, country, and the whole world, are kings, generals, leaders, actors, artists, litterateurs, poets, writers, doctors, and many others! They are discussed for ages because they connect with people! Napoleon, the strong and powerful commander of the world, had a special feature of his name, even every soldier in his vast army! They used to call them by name! We are just engaged in our performance, our promotion, our promotion, and the performance of our gestures! We don’t take care of other people! They don’t even try to understand their feelings! Only a few people will remember us for a few days! If we want to shine on the horizon as a pole star, “Connect with people and see once”!
Dr. Lashman Jha ” Parimal ”
Sound Health Clinic
Doctor’s Lane

Language: English
Tag: Essay
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