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7 Apr 2022 · 1 min read

I Have No Desire To Be Found At Any Cost

I love this darkness and this naked sky,
It hugs me without any judgment and never asks why.
The moon is showering its unfiltered glitter,
I can talk to it without any transmitter.
The cold air is silently brushing my pain,
Which always haunted me, somewhere inside my brain.
A firefly is continuously catching my sight,
I want to dance with it under this milky twilight.
A nightingale is singing somewhere too far,
Her singing is working as an ointment on my open scar.
I have heard some voices and am taken aback,
Somewhere the werewolves are choosing the Alpha of their pack.
The loneliness and the sanity of this life are an epic,
Which soothes my heart that once was toxic.
Please, don’t try to find me, I have got lost,
And I have no desire to be found at any cost.

Language: English
Tag: Poem
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