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17 Jun 2023 · 2 min read


(An overwhelming urge to run away or wander)

“Cursed are those who feel oceans, But can’t express even a drop.”

The sky was wearing a gloomy veil of darkness as the thunder adorned it time to time giving a glimpse of light in the pitch dark night. Rain was pouring down, quenching the thirst of the dry earth.
And yet there she was, standing by her window frame, staring at the sky with longing eyes, still thirsty for god knows what. With hands wide open, a small smile of satisfaction sat there on her lips. The rain drops lovingly kissed her face and formed a pool in her palm where her dreams were diving in and out. Thunderstorms truly made her feel alive. Oh, how she’d love to let all her walls down and get rid of the thoughts in her head. Run out in the rain and feel the beautiful droplets clean her soul. How she’d love to giggle like a kid and run around with her arms wide open. How she’d love to melt and unite with the soil while the rain erases every single sign of her existence. How she’d love to just run away and disappear as if she never existed…How peaceful it will be…How much content her heart would feel…

As if the sky was screeming the heart out and crying all the tears on her behalf. The darkness accompanied her soul. Maybe she wasn’t alone. The strong emotions she had caged in her heart suffocated her. She no more needed anyone to listen to her or understand her. She just needed an escape from it all. She just wanted to end it all. The strong urge of screaming, crying and beating the hell out of herself was trapped inside her mind only. No matter how much she had tried to let it all out…It just turned out into a silent, empty, lonely and numb session. She just couldn’t do it…Even when she tried to talk to anyone…She couldn’t make words for the immense amount of sick emotions she felt. And now…she was tired…Tired of trying…Trying to get better. All she wanted now was just to end it all.

She felt a strange kind of peace in the storm which was wrecking the world apart. Maybe becuase it represented the state the state of her mind. She smiled when the sky cried. Feeling the rain wash away the slightest amount of sanity in her being she closed her eyes humming the melancholy melody she had created once and drowned in her own darkness.

To Be Continued…

Purely a work of finction
Writted by VEDHA SINGH

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