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11 Aug 2024 · 1 min read

dont force anyone to choose me, you can find something bette

dont force anyone to choose me, you can find something better elsewhere. Then go ahead. I’m not holding you back. Life’s too short to hang on to someone who’s not sure they wanna stay. I believe in freedom, in the truth of feelings. If you must stay, let it be your heart tells you this is where you belong. Not because I asked you to, I want to be a choice, not a default option. I deserve someone who sees my value who understands what I bring to their life. I don’t want someone who stays with me, out of fear of loneliness or out of habit. I want someone who stays because they can’t imagine life without me. The door is always open. You’re free to leave at any time. So if you think your happiness lies elsewhere, I won’t stand in your way. And in the meantime, I’ll keep going, I’ll continue to build my own life to be happy on my own because my happiness doesn’t depend on your presence. But on my own ability. If you are not following, you’re probably never going to see us again. If you are then congratulations. You’re growing every day.

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