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7 Mar 2023 · 1 min read


Life consists of interwoven phases of episodes which one has to go through.

Usually these episodes happen without any control over them , but sometimes are constituted by egos and difference of individual perceptions ,
mental blocks of presumptions and preoccupations.

Preconceived values , ethics , logics and pre constituted group mentality also play an important role in creating difference of opinions and conflicts , and form a stumbling block in arriving at consensus on a common platform of lateral thinking.

Individual interests and vested group interests are also important factors in
formation of heterogeneity in such situations.

Individual Intelligence , knowledge , common sense and wisdom also have bearing on the bases on which decisions are finalised.

Therefore we may say Destiny consists of a mixture of unknown and
self- created happenings which an individual has to go throughout his life with no control over them.

Language: English
Tag: Article
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