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14 Feb 2022 · 2 min read

😊 Valentine’s day 😊

Dr arun kumar shastri 💐 ek abodh balak arun atript 💐

😊 Valentine’s day 😊

In India there are many observations regarding this very special day it is in general not taken as is taken in many countries , here there are mix thinking and many of them are not that open minded though the thought of celebrating vakantie day is conceptual in foreign countries mainly.

See in view where you live and should behaiv likes and dislikes of the people around an as per norms of the society.
That is fact .

Let’s analyse this in view of our country.

Most recently there is an attack on our soldiers in pulwama that was a cowardly act of our enemy country .
It was considered very bad and scolded by all alike approximately many soldiers were killed.

It is on the same day.

Hence our country men do not like any celebration.

Rather we like to remember our loss in terms of mourning and paying homage to our soldiers.

Secondly the 7 day celebrating of valentines day is among only youths of age of 14 to 40 married or unmarried .

Other people takes it more then love oriented rather vulgar oriented festival
Many of the youth are still so young and they may get deceiving act not as love but misused in the name of valaintines

Parents basically do not like this .

Rest one more aspect which is more strong here is related to Kama sutra is in the season of basant the environment is already cozy and all around there is fragrance in the are new plantation and flowering is up so it is relevant as per hindu mythology not as per western system.

So celebrate it as per your culture and customs not like washed away in western wave

💐💐 Make in India love India be Indian 💐💐

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