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24 Jun 2022 · 1 min read

✍️I am a Laborer✍️

✍️I am a Laborer✍️
I am a Laborer
my strong hands
decorated the beautiful city walls.
my mighty arms
blowing smoke from factories
raised high towers in the sky.
as far as I can see
till there I added village and city routes.
I melted the iron with my sweat
ships sailing on water stood.
with the desire to touch my sky
there are huge airplanes flying in every direction.

I am a Laborer
my round eyes
Earth’s movement
made an extender wheel.
The world is moving tirelessly without stopping.
This has been an initiative of the wonderful revolution of mankind.
from my brain cells
made weapons of this world
and the earth’s man has kissed the moon’s forehead.

I am a Laborer
never forgive me
man has been punished for one of my mistakes
I made weapons.
I made ammunition.
I hit the border from afar
make drop missiles.
I know the existence of man
Make atomic bombs to destroy them.

I am a Laborer
I have burnt my blood in the blazing embers.
some day only water has been given to my hungry stomach

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