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3 Jun 2022 · 1 min read

Two Different Genders, Two Different Bodies And A Single Soul

Once again, I am flying on my horizon,
Carrying so many memories; I never thought they would be mine.
I covered miles just to know if those wavelengths were right,
And came to realize that you were my lost and broken part, invisible for so long from my eyesight.
Holding your hands was not so easy,
But magical to know that letting you go was even harder and more uneasy.
My silence had been my asset, where no one was allowed,
But you found easily the voices I never said aloud.
Time passed in just a blink of an eye,
Leaving behind smiles and a kind of emptiness to rise.
Now the sunrises will not come alone,
I know that somewhere you will also be standing at the edge, losing yourself in the memories that were ours alone.
It’s unbelievable to know how God conspires with our roles,
Two different genders, two different bodies, and a single soul.

Language: English
Tag: Poem
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