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8 Apr 2022 · 2 min read


DrLakshman Jha Parimal
There is no limit to the horizon of literature ….We give the different shapes of it……. Sometimes it comes out in form of poetry…. and sometimes it reaches in the shape of prose ……. We try to give different colors to it ……. These can be a message for readers and sometimes it could be satirical to enjoy ……
These are not found in particular languages….. but every language in the world is quite rich in them…….
Once we take out pens and paper…. the imagination strikes our minds. And we compose everything. ……We are much sure that everybody could write his feelings…….,emotions…..,experiences…… ,stories of life…….. etc….
We will have to gain confidence …. We are very fortunate that we have been blessed with this ‘modern device’ .It gives a lot of information about everything …… We have to learn many things being as students …….
Whenever we will not go through them, we can’t cultivate our writing skills …….After that we should not break the principle of ‘सत्यम शिवम सुन्दरम’…….सत्यम…truth….शिवम …from the soul….and third ……सुन्दरम ….beautiful …….These are the perimeters of literature . We can say that it is one kind of L.O.C . …….!
Now the young generation needs some platform to project their creativity .,,,,,,,,We can exchange our views with Facebook friends. The friend circle is wide on social media. If someone sends us his creativity it could be accessed easily from every angle …….
That’s why we have opened all doors to our Facebook’s apps so that they can send their new compositions to the wide circle of friends for appreciation as well as encouragement.
A few lines of mine in the Maithili Language are dedicated :-
“हम फेसबुकक थारी मे सबटा दीप जरौने छीइ प्रज्वलित रहतसब दिन अहिना हम ह्रदय मे आहांकें बसौने छी@लक्ष्मण ”
DrLakshman Jha Parimal

Language: English
Tag: Essay
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